Cookie Policy

When you visit one of our websites or mobile applications, we may send you a cookie. A cookie is a small file that can be placed on your computer’s hard disk or mobile device for record keeping purposes and we may use them to do a number of things:


Cookies help us to recognise you when you next visit one of our websites and note the advertisements displayed to you. This allows us to tailor the advertisements we provide to your preferences. We may use the services of third party ad servers for this purpose.


Cookies may be used to compile anonymous statistics related to the take up or use of services, or to patterns of browsing. A third party collects such data on our behalf to measure web site performance. Information collected is aggregated for reporting purposes. No personally identifiable information is collected by this service. The use of this service assists us in measuring and improving the structure and ease of use of our websites.


If you do not wish to use cookies, you may de-activate cookies in your web-browser or reject the creation of cookies. You may wish to seek technical assistance from your browser provider if you do not know how to do this. We cannot be responsible for any technical faults or failures to your system.