Conserving Resources

Golf is part of the solution.

Natural Resources

Resource conservation is a cornerstone of sustainability and plays a vital role in ensuring that future generations can thrive. As the global population continues to grow and consumption patterns escalate, the need to conserve natural resources—such as water, energy, raw materials, and biodiversity—has become increasingly imperative.

  • Energy Audit

    After conducting an energy audit, steps to reduce our consumption by 70,000 kwh/year (approximately 19 tCO2/year) were highlighted.

    We have begun a transition to renewable energy, starting with offsite Certified Renewable Energy supply that has seen the reduction of our emissions by over 47 tCO2e per year which is equivalent to nearly 6 UK households, emitting 8.1 tCO2e/household based on Climate Change Committee figures or almost 89,000 miles or 143,000 kms in a mid-range petrol car (based on 8.42 l/km).

  • Water Resilience Audit

    Following a water resilience audit, the risk of water availability for turf irrigation was identified as a risk to our future operations, supply is derived from ground water.

    We have put in place a project to find sustainable water sources and build on-site storage to reduce the danger and prevent demand conflicts with our neighbourhood. A reservoir was built on our grounds which holds 9000m3 of water helping to retain surface water rather than relying on using mains or bore holes.

  • Lighting

    All the lights in the clubhouse were swapped from halogens to LEDs, which use 80% less energy to produce the same amount of light. The bulbs also have a longer life span, meaning less are thrown away.

    Our drink fridges have been put on timers, saving us 25,544 kilowatts of energy so far.

  • End of day banking

    End of day banking is filled into re-usable bags in each department, saving 1,500 single use envelopes each year.

  • Eco Burners

    The Food and Beverage Department has transitioned from single use gel burners to refillable eco burners. These produce 75% less carbon emissions as well as saving us 1052.40kg CO2e each year.